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Speakers 2025

Phyllis DruckerInfluencerEZ2BGR8

HDI Lifetime Achievement Award winner Phyllis Drucker is a service management and leadership expert with over 20 years of experience in Business/IT Strategy, enterprise service management, governance, customer service, and support. She is an expert in Service Management tool implementation, including the service portal and service request catalog, HR automation, leadership, and team building. Her specialty is looking at innovative approaches to how people work that use today’s digital solutions: taking advantage of technological advances to transform how service and support are delivered. After her career in IT, training, and consulting, she is taking her thought leadership out to the community by focusing on writing, speaking, and training. In addition to her blogger and freelance author activities, her book “Service Management Online: Creating a Successful Service Request Catalog” and her 3-day class "Innovating the Service Portal " are available. She offers the class directly to students and is available to work with approved training organizations interested in licensing the program. She's also an experienced international speaker, having delivered keynotes and conference breakout sessions in the US, Canada, Spain, and New Zealand since her first speaking engagement in 1997. You can follow Phyllis on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter or visit her website,
